Nancy Drew Games Wiki

A ghost dog jumping on the window.

The ghost dogs are dogs who attack Nancy's house at the beginning of the game. Before the start of the game the ghost dogs had attacked the house while Sally was inside. When they attack the doors and windows rattle and shake, the power goes out, and something almost falls off of the wall.


Xander - Xander was born on August 16, 1923. His owner, Mickey Malone, took care of Xander until he was arrested on January 29, 1932. Following Malone's instructions, his friend Willy had Xander's gravestone inscribed saying that he died on the date that Malone was arrested. However, according to Willy's journal, Xander lived on, being cared for by Willy after Malone was arrested. The circumstances of his death are unknown.

Lucy - Lucy was born on April 4, 1922. Her owner, Mickey Malone, took care of Lucy until he was arrested on January 29, 1932. Following Malone's instructions, his friend Willy had Lucy's gravestone inscribed saying that she died the day Malone was arrested. However, according to Willy's journal, Lucy lived on, being cared for by Willy after Malone was arrested. The circumstances of her death are unknown.

Iggy - Iggy was born on August 16, 1923. His owner, Mickey Malone, took care of Iggy until he was arrested on January 29, 1932. Following Malone's instructions, his friend Willy had Iggy's gravestone inscribed saying that he died on the date that Malone was arrested. However, according to Willy's journal, Iggy lived on, being cared for by Willy after Malone was arrested. The circumstances of his death are unknown.

Vitus - Vitus was born on February 8, 1924. His owner, Mickey Malone, took care of Vitus until he was arrested on January 29, 1932. Following Malone's instructions, his friend Willy had Vitus's gravestone inscribed saying that he died on the date that Malone was arrested. However, according to Willy's journal, Vitus lived on, being cared for by Willy after Malone was arrested. The circumstances of his death are unknown.


  • The Ghost Dogs normally come and attack the house on the first night. But, if you change to day immediately after you talk to Red Knott the dogs will not come. You can possibly keep them from coming the entire game, but this is not confirmed.